October 2018
You Have a Chipped Tooth. What Now?
Chipping a tooth is something that many people have experienced. Our teeth go through a great deal of stress during the normal course of our lives, and it’s no surprise that they may occasionally break or lose small chips. When this happens, it is easy to panic. But rest assured
How do Dental Night Guards Work?
Dental night guards are routinely prescribed to patients who habitually grind their teeth (a condition known as “bruxism”), particularly during sleep. The human jaw is capable of emitting tremendous force on the opposing teeth, forces which can easily deteriorate teeth if left unprotected. Dental night guards are designed to help
Understanding Mini Dental Implants
As popular as dental implants have become over the past several decades, there has been one variation of this treatment that is somewhat overlooked: mini implants. Mini implants, as the name implies, represent the same treatment concept as traditional implants, albeit on a smaller scale. Like traditional implants, mini implants
Three Types of Implant-Supported Dental Prostheses
Dental implants are well known for their ability to replace teeth and provide excellent strength, stability, and aesthetics. But their application goes beyond merely replacing single teeth. One of the greatest advantages of dental implants is their versatility, as they can be used to restore the dentition in more ways
Three Characteristics That Make You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants
Dental implants are at the forefront of dental technology. Generally regarded as the best tooth replacement option available, dental implants have become increasingly popular and accessible in recent years. As beneficial as implants are, however, they are somewhat case selective and are far more successful when specific criteria are met.