Three Techniques for Fresher Breath You May Not Have Considered

Having pleasant, fresh-smelling breath is a universal desire. No one wants to walk around causing offense to people with less-than-stellar oral hygiene, and everyone loves the way a clean, fresh mouth feels. Achieving this goal is still somewhat challenging for many people, usually do to an array of lifestyle factors such as diet, use of tobacco and/or alcohol, and of course, overall dental health. Here are three components of fresh breath and how you can get a handle on each for a cleaner, sweeter-smelling mouth. 


Flossing—dentistry’s version of a torture device. At least, that’s how some patients would explain it. Flossing is perhaps the most important thing you can do for the health of your teeth, but you may not be aware of the effects it can have on your breath. For most people, foul mouth odors are caused by fermenting bacteria (i.e., plaque) in the mouth. Even diligent brushers can leave behind mounds of plaque and bacteria between teeth and at the gum line. Flossing every day will go a long way in improving the aroma of your breath. 

Your Tongue

Most dentists are still surprised to learn that very few people brush their tongue as part of a normal tooth brushing routine. This practice should absolutely be carried out each and every day. By helping keep the tongue clean and free of bacteria, you create a healthier oral environment—and one that smells better too. Tongue scrapers are an alternative to simply using your tooth brush. 


Salivary flow plays a vital role in the smell of your breath. People with dry mouths are more prone to developing bacterial buildup, and with less saliva in the mouth, trapped food particles are less likely to wash away, leaving them to sit in the mouth and quite literally rot. Smoking and prescription medications are the two main culprits in creating dry mouth. One can be kicked—the other may require assistance from your doctor. Either way, there are products on the retail market that can help increase your salivary flow. 

By taking stock of these 3 considerations and making changes to how you manage your flossing, tongue health, and salivary flow, you can realize a huge improvement in the way your breath smells. 

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The Author



Ivan is a Dental School student on his way to become a Prosthodontist. Originally from Bulgaria, Ivan speaks 3 languages.

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