Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges: Which is the Better Option?

Dental implants and bridges are two very different treatments that serve the same purpose—replacing missing teeth. If you are considering one or the other, it’s important to know the pros and cons of each.

Dental Implants

• Pros

Extremely stable. Because implants fuse with the jaw bone, they are extremely stable and are capable of doing everything a natural tooth is.

Aesthetics. Dental implants make it possible to get replacement teeth that are nearly indistinguishable from a natural tooth.

Preservation of bone. Dental implants help keep bone levels healthy, as opposed to the bone loss that occurs in areas where teeth are not present.

Dental implants do not require the alteration of any other teeth.

• Cons

Cost. Dental implants are perhaps the most expensive tooth replacement treatment.

Time. Implants require several months to completely fuse with a bone. Other tooth replacement treatments can be achieved much

Procedure. Although dental implants have an extremely high success rate, placement still requires a minor surgical procedure, which inherently carries some risks.


• Pros

Dental bridges are typically much more affordable than dental implants, and most dental insurances cover significant portion of the cost.

Time. Bridges are almost always completed in only two visits, approximately two weeks apart. In some cases, a bridge may be completed in a single visit.

Procedure. Having a dental bridge placed is a far less invasive procedure than having a dental implant placed.

• Cons


The aesthetics of bridges cannot compare to the superior look of dental implants

Bridges are not as strong as implants.

Bridges are more difficult to keep clean. 

Unlike implants, dental bridges require irreversible alteration of natural teeth, even if those teeth have no dental problems.


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How Do I Know If I am a Candidate for Dental Implants?

The Author



Melina has written for several journals and is a non practicing dentist.

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